The Top 5 Health Benefits of Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Paddle Boarding is some of the most unique exercises you can do to train your body. Not only is it a complete fun package but is also beneficial for your body. In this article, we are listing down some of the benefits of Paddleboarding. You will definitely build a liking for this activity as there is way more to it than what meets the eye.

Gets you Moving:

This is one the greatest benefits of paddleboarding is that it makes you list that lazy bum off your sofa and go out in nature by yourself. This not physically good, which most people think, but also is good for your mental health. It makes you to move and feel a change in the usual setup which the body is used to. Now instead of the comfort of your house, you are on the river with just a paddle, a SUP and some other equipment. 

Helps Balance:

It requires a considerable amount of balance to stand up on a paddleboard. This means that you will be engaging your leg strength and core to stand on the board. This will build strength and will also help you improve balance and focus in general life.

Stress Level Reduction:

This activity can be a real stress-buster due to your direct involvement in nature. The waters and the whole landscape looks so sedative and pleasing, you won’t be stopping once you start. Plus, there is the adrenalin rush of falling off and working with the waves that will kick off any remaining stress. With you by yourself on the water with natural aura everywhere, it’s difficult for stress to stick for long. 

Full Body Exercise:

People don’t often believe it but it takes your complete body to use a paddleboard. The whole posture and balance require you to engage your core, back muscles, torso, legs, shoulders, arms which means you are going to be sore after a good session. You will be using your hands and legs for stability and basically the whole body to move the board around. 

Low Impact Workout:

This term basically means that paddleboarding won’t be a nightmare for your tendons and ligaments and will not cause any serious damage. This might be really beneficial for some who have pain issues in their joints and need a light resistance. Due to its low impact, paddle boarding can actually help you in recovering by slowly building strength which is why it can be done when and if you are on physiotherapy and rehabilitating. 

Weight Loss:

Everyone that has ever lived, at some point, wants to lose weight. It may be the bad eating habits or the lifestyle that led to those unwanted gains but trusts me when I say that there are no shortcuts to weight loss. There have been studies that show that paddleboarding is great cardio as it keeps your heart rate pumping, resulting in better fat burn than those fat loss pills. Plus paddling is a fun activity, unlike those boring jumping jacks. 

Boost to Cardiovascular Health:

According to paddle boarding can reduce your chances of having a stroke or even heart attack. This is mainly because of how similar it is to running, cross-training etc. which are known to help boost your heart health and overall oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. 

Optimal Meditation:

This is an incredibly difficult skill to master especially when you are just a beginner still trying to maintain balance on your board. When you are on the board surrounded by water, the awareness of every move you make is heightened which is often called as the “flow”. Flow is really important for the perfect Zen meditations.  It also offers a really wide range of benefits like improved focus and cognitive function. Other benefits include better memory and better mood. 

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